There remains a shortage of psychi-atrists and other mental health pro-fessionals in many service areas of theUnited States and around the world. Telepsychiatry and otherhealth technologies have provided a means of addressing someof these shortages. The use of these technologies is expectedto increase over the next decade, allowing for greater mentalhealth care of more diverse populations.Peter Yellowlees and Jay Shore have editedTelepsychiatryand Health Technologies: A Guide for Mental Health Profes-sionals.
This book has been written to be both a core resource forthe training of mental health professionals and a reference forthose already trained in the use of health technologies. Theeditors have an aim that this book will eventually be a clini-cal textbook for thefield. The editors note in the preface thatthe“book focuses on the doctor-patient relationship, and is apractical description of how psychiatrists and other mentalhealth professionals may leverage expanding digital technol-ogiesandprocessescurrentlyavailable, and that are increasinglybeing used in clinical practice, for the assessment and treatmentof patients with psychiatric disorders.”The book provides prac-tical guidance and advice on the optimal use of telepsychi-atry and other health technologies.The book has 10 chapters, with each providing majorlearning objectives orfindings and a brief summary. One majoradvantage of this bookis that each chapter has section headingsposed as questions; each section provides a detailed answer tothe question, with references.
The editors have organized thechapters and section headings to provide a comprehensivereview that is well written by very knowledgeable authoritiesin thefield.The book has three major sections, with thefirst sectionhaving four chapters related to current status, the evidencebase for telepsychiatry, business development related to healthtechnologies, and models of care. The second section has fourchapters related to the coreelementsof a clinicalpractice usingthese technologies. The major areas covered in the secondsection include communication and media skills, data col-lection from nonpatient interview sources, clinical docu-mentation, and indirect consultations and hybrid care.
The final section of the book has two chapters devoted to patientpopulation management and competencies, skills, and qualityof care. Throughout the book, the editors have used numerousclinical casestudies that illustratemajor themes ofthe sections;these are illustrative of actual clinical situations using healthtechnologies and will be a valuable resource for practicingclinicians.While all chapters in the book are relevant to the discussionof advancing health technologies, there are several majorthemes that transcend various chapters. First is that currentpsychiatric practice tends to be inefficient and that there is aneed to leverage technology as part of change management; inthe future, the traditional in-person patient session may not beconsidered the optimal practice standard. Second is that ad-vancing health technologies need to consider emerging tech-nologies beyond simple audiovisual conferencing to include, forexample, social networking, virtual reality treatments, and artificial intelligence.
Finally, the psychiatrist-patient relationshipwill center more on the elements of treatment planning, with technology providing the opportunity for hybrid care models inthe future.The editors have provided in one source a comprehen-sive text covering all major areas of telepsychiatry, includingemerging technologies. Although thefield of telepsychiatry israpidly changing, the editors have provided clinicians with aresource book that will answer nearly all questions related to thepractice of clinical telepsychiatry. As such, this book is highlyrecommended, especially for those considering expandingclinical practice beyond the traditional in-person session. The book is ideally suited for mental health trainees and practicingclinicians in all mental healthfields.
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